Cotswold Hybrid Organs is the UK’s specialist in creating the finest pipe/digital hybrid organs.
What is a hybrid organ?
A hybrid organ is an instrument which combines traditional wind-blown pipes with the latest in digital organ sound production technology.
A Cotswold Hybrid Organ unites a new or existing pipe organ with versatile Viscount Physis digital voices in a seamless blend of sound. The marriage of traditional pipes with state-of-the-art digital sound can create instruments of great beauty and variation whilst also transforming an existing ageing or limited pipe organ into an instrument of great beauty and flexibility.
Hybrid organs can offer a far greater selection and variety of sound than many pipe-only instruments, and offer a substantial saving over the cost of a complete pipe organ rebuild.
We can create a completely new organ, according to your specification, or rebuild an existing instrument to whatever degree you desire.
Ultimately, whatever we do, we ensure that the end result is an instrument of immense musicality and versatility which will give pleasure to people for many years to come.