• 57 Speaking Stops
  • Custom-designed movable console with moving drawstops
  • 20.2 Channels of multi-directional audio

Pedal (12 stops)
32 Contra Violone
16 Open Wood
16 Violone
16 Bourdon
8 Principal
8 Bass Flute
4 Choral Bass
IV Mixture
32 Contre Bombarde 32
16 Bombarde 16
16 Double Trumpet (GT) 16
8 Trompette 8

Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Choir to Pedal

Choir (non-expressive)
(8 stops)
8 Principal
8 Rohr Flute
8 Gemshorn
4 Flute
2 2/3 Nasard
2 Recorder
1 3/5 Tierce
1 1/3 Larigot
III Mixture

Great (15 stops)
16 Double Diapason
8 Open Diapason I
8 Open Diapason II
8 Harmonic Flute
8 Stopped Diapason
8 Gamba
4 Principal
4 Harmonic Flute
2 2/3 Twelfth
2 Fifteenth
IV Fourniture
II Sharp Mixture
16 Double Trumpet
8 Trumpet
4 Clarion

Swell to Great
Choir to Great

Choir (expressive)
(6 stops)
10 Viole de Gambe 8
11 Lieblich Flute 8
12 Vox Angelica
13 Cor Anglais 16
14 Clarinet 8
15 TrompetteHarmonique 8

Choir Octave
Swell to Choir

16 Salicional
8 Diapason
8 Gedackt
8 Salicional
8 Voix Celeste
4 Prestant
4 Flûte douce
2 Doublette
II Sesquialtera
IV Plein-jeu
16 Basson 16
8 Trompette 8
8 Hautbois 8
8 Voix Humaine 8
4 Clairon 4

Swell Octave